ISCC Certification
Due to a number factors, Europe has become the prime importer of Australian canola buying up to 80% of our exports at times. It is used in the bio-diesel production program which is designed to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The European Union has imposed sustainability standards on all imported seed used in this program which means all Australian growers and parts of the supply chain must be certified under the ISCC scheme if their canola is to be exported to Europe. Certification under the ISCC scheme demonstrates the canola is produced sustainably, with minimal impact to the environment and meets greenhouse gas emission reduction standards.
All canola purchased by AWB is purchased as sustainable seed and the published bid includes a $10/t premium over conventional non-certified canola, therefore before you sell canola to AWB its important you understand your obligations under the ISCC scheme which are outlined below:
- You must complete your ISCC declaration at before selling your canola
- You must complete a self-assessment checklist which can be found at
- You must participate in an ‘on farm’ audit if selected by the certification body
Further details regarding your obligations can be found here -
It is looking like an excellent season for many parts of Australia so to take advantage of this opportunity to market your canola we strongly recommend you get certified by under the ISCC scheme by completing your ISCC declaration through the NGR portal at
Thank you for supporting this key export market and for ensuring a strong demand for Australian canola into the future. For further information on the ISCC program please go to
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