Recent Rainfall Events Welcomed
24 Jun. 2024
Recent rainfall events have been welcomed, especially throughout Southern NSW and Northeast Victoria. For a short period, many growers were feeling concerned, but a few prayers coupled with some rain dances has smiles back on most faces......
Plenty of Potential
17 Jun. 2024
With planting all but finalised and plenty of Australia’s winter crops already out of the ground it’s now up to Mother Nature to play her part and provide some favourable weather conditions to keep things heading in the right direction.....
Sowing Progress
03 Jun. 2024
Sowing is steadily progressing across the country, although conditions vary widely from north to south and east to west. Rainfalls across Australia have varied significantly, across northern Western Australia with 10-30mm reported, while southern Western Australia receiving a lesser amount.....
WA Market Wrap
04 Jun. 2024
The majority of grain growers in Western Australia have completed their planting programs into generally very dry ground. Others have pulled up, with the bulk of their planned hectares sown and are waiting for a definite forecast of rain before completing their intended program......
Global Weather Market
27 May. 2024
It’s a bit cliché to break the ice by talking about the weather, but it’s almost all the market is actually talking about. It’s a bona fide weather market at the moment with a number of important grain and oilseed producing origins....
Global Grain Markets
21 May. 2024
With the USDA report from a fortnight ago well and truly digested, international markets continue to trade the volatile weather market that usually arrives as the Northern Hemisphere Spring comes to an end.....
Eastern Australia's Winter Crop Progress
14 May. 2024
As we hit the halfway point in May, there has been rapid progress in the sowing of eastern Australia’s winter crop, although some areas of the northern region are too wet to keep planting winter crops and harvesting summer ones......
May Market Insights
06 May. 2024
As we move into the month of May and sowing, there has been no shortage of headlines from around the world for commentators to peg market moves to.......
Dry conditions driving markets
30 Apr. 2024
Australian grain prices have seen a welcome bounce in recent days largely attributed to overseas market support. With a general smorgasbord of inputs to consider it can be hard to pinpoint the exact driver of markets on any given day however, after a relatively......
SA Market Wrap
24 Apr. 2024
The window for winter crop sowing has now opened with seeding of stockfeed and canola commencing in the earlier districts of SA. Victoria is not far off starting, while above-average summer rainfall across large parts of NSW and Qld has allowed for sufficient build-up of subsoil moisture reserves. NSW in particular is experiencing an exceptionally well-timed seasonal break...........
Sowing in full swing
22 Apr. 2024
In a blink of an eye harvest has gone for another season and sowing is well and truly underway for growers across the country. The sowing of Australia’s 24-25 crops is full steam ahead amidst a mixed of conditions......
Winter Crop Sowing Outlook
16 Apr. 2024
The window for winter crop sowing is now underway across large parts of New South Wales and Queensland, with Victoria not far off starting. Above average summer rainfall across large parts of the east coast has allowed for sufficient buildup of sub soil moisture reserves.....
Rain- A Double Edged Sword
10 Apr. 2024
The Easter Bunny delivered more than just chocolate eggs this year, finding time in the schedule to deliver a weather system that has ultimately provided most of the east coast with varying degrees of an autumn break. For those gearing up for a winter crop plant, the rains ....
Canola Prices Rally Amid Global Factors
25 Mar. 2024
Last week we saw more canola sellers come out of the woodwork as prices continued to rally for canola, recovering to levels not seen since mid-November. A number of factors contributed to the rally, fueled by Stats Canada reporting a 3% decrease in expected planted area....
U.S China Wheat Trade Tensions Drive Market Decline
19 Mar. 2024
US wheat led the falls on the news developing that China has supposedly cancelled or rolled several Australian wheat cargoes, adding to the cancellation from US exporters last week. The ASX May wheat contract was down A$3/t to $318.50/t on Friday as the responded to reports of China cancellations......
Commodity Market Trends
13 Mar. 2024
Values for most commodities have been on the slide in recent weeks, some more so than others. Depending on your location, wheat is down anywhere from $50-$80/mt since harvest, barley down slightly and canola, whilst it has had its ups and downs is also below prices seen at harvest...............
Technology aids decision making
04 Mar. 2024
With Summer coming to an end and Autumn upon us, growers along the east coast have turned their attention to the 24/25 season and are beginning to put their cropping plans in place. With commodity prices fluctuating more than ever, the decision-making process around how growers decide to sow which crops, has become one of great interest..............
Global pressure weighs on grain markets
26 Feb. 2024
Grain Growers have been alerted to lower pricing prospects in recent times as we continue to see wheat prices dip since the start of the year. This is in line with general pressures in the grain markets caused primarily because of a massive corn crop..............
US grain report hits Australian prices
20 Feb. 2024
Harvest has finally wrapped up across SA after a long and weather affected last part of what was a pretty decent harvest with excellent quality for the most part..........
WA Market Wrap 20/02/24
20 Feb. 2024
The 23/24 WA grain harvest was over in a blink of an eye, particularly for the northern and eastern wheat belt where headers powered over the light crop, finishing in the first week of December..........
Fortune favours the prepared
18 Feb. 2024
With recent global weather models suggesting an end to our somewhat confusing El Nino year and increasing the chance of a return to a typically wetter La Nina period, expectations are growing for a good supply of in-crop rainfall through 2024...........
The role of Carbon Markets in the Australian grain industry
12 Feb. 2024
In the context of climate change, agriculture provides both a challenge and an opportunity. As the agricultural sector, and its customers in the food manufacturing industry, explore sustainable solutions to meet their climate goals, the concept of carbon insets in agriculture emerges as an opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and remove carbon from the atmosphere............
US grain report hits Australian prices
06 Feb. 2024
Harvest has finally wrapped up across the East Coast, with the final headers shutting down in late January. All grower attention is now focused on moisture retention and ground preparation for winter crops, with only 6-8 weeks until the first early winter crops are sown............
January Wrap: Crops, Rain and Market moves
30 Jan. 2024
January has come and gone, leaving the East Coast cropping regions seem to have missed the Bureau of Meteorology’s early forecast of below average rainfall for the summer period. Contrary to the forecast, most regions received well over the long-term average, ensuring that the agricultural sector remains full of optimism ahead of the upcoming winter cropping program.............
A peek at how 2024 kicked off
23 Jan. 2024
With a scorcher this week across northern NSW and Southern QLD, the possibility of yet another cyclone bringing rain to central Queensland, those famous words “Droughts and Flooding Rains”, never seem truer than the start we are having to 2024............
Sorghum Update: Growth, Challenges and Global trends.
16 Jan. 2024
Abundant December rainfall has led to prosperous sorghum crops in the Darling Downs, with expectations of at least average yields, challenging the initial forecast of 21% decline in sorghum planted area for 2023–24 due to well-below-average soil moisture levels..........
Wheat quality holds up against widespread rain.
13 Dec. 2023
Like it or not, rainfall has been the order of the day for many parts of the country with winter crop still to harvest. Various locations through Southern New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia have received up to 200mls in the last couple of weeks........
Rain turns the tables on summer crop plantings.
06 Dec. 2023
One can only hope that after the big falls across the eastern cropping belt last week, that the BOM manages to get this week’s forecast right, and growers in Southern NSW and Victoria escape any significant additional rain..........
Rain welcome in the North with Sorghum set to be sown.
28 Nov. 2023
Storm conditions have provided welcome rainfall to areas of Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales. With rainfall totals between 15-50mm in the last week and some areas receiving more than 100mm........
Harvest progresses at record pace
22 Nov. 2023
The Aussie winter crop harvest is about halfway toward completion, with plenty of grain still on the stalk in the southern parts of Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales as well as the bulk of Victoria.......
WA Market Wrap
20 Nov. 2023
The Western Australian harvest looks like being a quick one with a lot of light crops this year. Receivals in the Geraldton zone started in mid-September and a number of growers have already finished. Production expectations were not high given the lack of summer and growing season rain in most parts of the region......
Harvest moves South
15 Nov. 2023
Queensland and Northern NSW have parked the headers and are done and dusted, while Central NSW is about 50% done. Southern NSW is seeing more headers in canola and barley paddocks, and we should start to see some activity in wheat paddocks sooner rather than later......
Harvest well ahead of previous years
08 Nov. 2023
As we move further into November, harvest progresses at an incredibly rapid pace. Traditionally harvest would be 10% completed in the northern part of the Port Kembla zone by the end of the first week of November......
An update on harvest
31 Oct. 2023
Harvest is rounding the home straight in Queensland and Northern New South Wales nearing 50-60%. Quality to date has been reflective of the seasonal conditions, with the lack of moisture contributing to grades milling around the centre of the quality chart, with ASW1/AUH2/APW1 the main grades being presented at bulk handling sites......
Dry weather hits sorghum production.
25 Oct. 2023
The weather in recent weeks has generally been favourable to most grain producing regions. Areas in the north have seen clear weather allowing harvest to progress at perhaps a pace faster than many would like.....
Harvest activity increase sees prices decrease
18 Oct. 2023
Harvest has now kicked off in most of the country’s northern cropping regions and as header activity rapidly moves south it won’t be long before we’re well and truly underway across all zones. Queensland growers are now stripping wheat as canola is making its way into receival sites as far south as the NSW Sturt Highway....
Rain makes grain
10 Oct. 2023
Its fair to say that a rain in spring is worth its weight in gold and last week we saw this come to fruition with reports of 15mm to 100mm+ recorded. In some regions, the rain came too late to add yield, however this one event will certainly lead to small grain size and pinched grain being a lot less common occurrence than it might have been, as crops were beginning to run out of moisture.....
Global Wheat Production Estimates Lowered With Drier Outlook
05 Oct. 2023
Looks like September was one for the record books with what might have been the warmest and driest since records began, not to mention Collingwood tying with Essendon and Carlton with 16 grand final wins on the last day of the month....
How Time flies
27 Sep. 2023
It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating a Geelong premiership, but 12 months has flown by and its Grand Final week again. It also feels like we only just put last year’s harvest to bed, but in the blink of an eye we are back at it again....
Supply estimates are out, but what's in doubt?
21 Sep. 2023
Last week saw the release of the September USDA WASDE report which published a decline in global wheat supplies, mainly from AUS, Argentina, Canada and the EU....
Waiting for pre-harvest rain
14 Sep. 2023
As the harvest season rapidly approaches, growers are working tirelessly to complete pre-harvest tasks while eagerly awaiting the much-needed Spring rain. Once again, they find themselves struggling with a series of challenges...
Will India be the next market mover?
29 Aug. 2023
Whilst the northern feed markets continue to price at significant premiums, grain values in the south - particularly wheat - have been far more sedate despite plenty of fresh inputs to the grain news cycle lately.
WA Market Wrap
29 Aug. 2023
To date, seeding conditions over most of Western Australia have been excellent and, in some areas, exceptional. This is the second year in a row many have encountered the "new phenomenon" that is sowing programs into soil moisture and being provided the luxury of "knock down" chemical application.
Which way will it flow?
24 Aug. 2023
How quickly things change. it seemed not that long ago that the entire supply chain was at maximum capacity doing its utmost to get our record production out of the country
WASDE report: Hit or Miss?
16 Aug. 2023
The August edition of the USDA's WASDE Report was released this week. While its contents resulted in a somewhat muted response, it sets up a potentially interesting position in coming months'...
China's tariff removal benefits barley exports
10 Aug. 2023
China have announced they will drop the 80 per cent tariff they had applied to the importation of Australian barley. What this means for Australian barley growers?
SA Market Wrap
10 Aug. 2023
The South Australian crop is set up well as we reach the halfway point in the growing season and in football terms, head into the premiership quarter.
Northern and Southern areas of NSW face dramatically different seasons ahead
01 Aug. 2023
As we near the mid-point of the grain growing season, the current production outlook for NSW is in stark contrast between northern and southern areas of the state...
Grain corridor slams shut with a bang
26 Jul. 2023
Despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the last few weeks in grain markets almost felt like we had returned to the good old days when we wrote about weather forecasts and crop conditions rather than pandemics, politics and Putin. It wasn't to last...
Grain markets continue to be a mixed bag
19 Jul. 2023
The growing season has seen continual rainfall across the regions stretching from northern NSW right down through Victoria and across South Australia to the point where most growers are asking "El Nino? What El Nino?"
Mother Nature: Friend or foe
11 Jul. 2023
The production outlook for the East Coast Cropping belt has been boosted with favourable conditions seen month to date with majority of SA, VIC and SNSW receiving welcomed rainfall for July on top of what was already an above average rainfall month in June.
Futures run ahead
29 Jun. 2023
Domestic grain values have struggled to keep pace with global markets in recent weeks as the well-publicised dry conditions continue to wreak havoc on row crops throughout the US Midwest.
Dry conditions in Northern Hemisphere strengthens markets
20 Jun. 2023
Future markets have found some strength recently as dry weather continues to be the order of the day throughout much of the US.
Mixed start maintains market tensions
14 Jun. 2023
East coast cereal markets have continued their upward trend through the first half of June, reacting to the latest WASDE and ABARES musings which confirmed what most already knew...
Rain makes grain
07 Jun. 2023
They say “rain makes grain” and this is certainly going to be the case this week with widespread falls forecast to occur over most grain growing regions around Australia.
Grain growers face weather and global market challenges
31 May. 2023
The NSW grain industry, a key player in our state's agriculture, is navigating some rough waters. Changes in weather patterns and potential shifts in the global market are making things tricky for farmers across the state...
A spotlight on Maximum Residue Limits
24 May. 2023
The recent announcement that the European Union is planning to reduce the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) for haloxyfop on canola has been widely discussed...
Sowing the focus
16 May. 2023
Growers are deep into their winter crop sowing programs and within a few weeks, they'll have finish line in sight....
Markets trading fundamentals, not headlines
10 May. 2023
As we draw a close to the traditional sowing window for canola and open for main season wheat on the east coast of Australia, the sowing conditions for the most part, are favourable at worst.....
A big break for most
03 May. 2023
While crops aren't made in Autumn it certainly doesn't hurt to have the start to seeding most Australian growers are enjoying to this point....
Eyes on weather forecasts, and market opportunities
26 Apr. 2023
As we move past another Anzac Day on the calendar, sowing across the state is at various levels of completion. Many areas are sowing into good moisture whilst there is....
The mid-year grind
20 Apr. 2023
As the nations' yellow bins groan under the collective weight of Easters' excess and the rigmarole of Term 2 begins, the grains industry enters...
Market conditions and a drier season outlook contribute to cropping program decisions
12 Apr. 2023
April means soggy Easter camping trips, excessive chocolate consumption, ANZAC Day observance and of course sowing...
Growers explore planting options for year ahead
05 Apr. 2023
Markets have bucked their downward trend this week, with exchanges retracing some of the losses suffered throughout the preceding 6 weeks...
Gloomy conditions for both the markets and the skies
30 Mar. 2023
As the first month of Autumn draws to a close, the weather gods have delivered some varying levels of rain across the state as our main season sowing window opens...
WA Market Wrap
23 Mar. 2023
The 22/23 grain harvest in WA started in late September, with the first canola being delivered to CBH in Geraldton...
SA Market Wrap
30 Mar. 2023
On the back of a record 22/23 SA havest in many districts and record receivals into several SA GrainFlow sites which dragged well into February in the later areas of the state, all of a sudden a new season in on our door step...
Start your engines for the planting season
22 Mar. 2023
It feels like harvest has only just finished and yet preparations are well and truly underway for the upcoming season...
Heavy stocks continue to weigh on markets
08 Mar. 2023
A long, drawn-out harvest has meant that without much reprieve the focus for most Australian growers has quickly shifted to preparations for the 2023/24 crop...
Sorghum the shining light of grains market
01 Mar. 2023
As we tick over into Autumn this week, all eyes are on the short and long range forecasts. With sowing fast approaching, the focus is squarely on the updates from the Bureau of Meteorology and discussions around subsoil moisture...
Predictions canola planting area will drop
22 Feb. 2023
As February crosses its mid-point, it's fair to say 2023 is absolutely flying. Getting away from the farm and enjoying the festive season has been but a pipe dream for many farmers...
Choose a specialty crop to help navigate uncertainty
14 Feb. 2023
Looking ahead to another winter crop and the decisions that need to be made regarding seeding decisions sees us surveying the commodity markets and the climate outlook for some direction...
Action packed end to season
08 Feb. 2023
The headers' been blown down and is back in the shed, the farm mamnager is still up the coast, the kids are back at school and that post-harvest lull is here...
Harvest Wrap up
01 Feb. 2023
The last tail wags of harvest is finally wrapping up, with only tidy up jobs left in parts of Victoria and South Australia.
Multiple bearish inputs but El Nino the sleeping giant
25 Jan. 2023
As we march towards the end of the first month of 2023, the grain marketing outlook for the new year appears to be paved with plenty of negative inputs.
Harvest ends, markets converge
19 Jan. 2023
Harvest is slowly coming to an end much to the delight of everyone involved ...
Bring on 2023
11 Jan. 2023
Whilst there are still some battling through the final stages of harvest, most New South Wales grain growers managed to finish and park the headers in time for New Year's Eve.
Harvest Update
14 Dec. 2022
Feels like this has been communicated quite often lately however yet again harvest is proving to be more challenging and stressful than the last with...
Why is wheat feeling the heat?
07 Dec. 2022
Given the challenges faced by farmers throughout this growing season, the recent decline in grain values is...
It is a market mover...
01 Dec. 2022
Harvest 2022 continues to throw up its fair share of challenges however pleasingly, some parts of the state were able...
This Ain't Our First Steeplechase
23 Nov. 2022
Whilst our Central Queensland counterparts are rounding the home stretch of their winter crop harvest....
WA Market Wrap
25 Nov. 2022
Forecast total grain production is WA this season is likely to be around 24 million tonnes...
Harvest set to be a drawn-out affair
09 Nov. 2022
After some significant weather challenges on the east coast of Australia, growers have managed to make some progress on harvest 2022/23...
Black Sea tensions in the headlines again
02 Nov. 2022
Contrasting headlines appeared over the weekend with the positive news including sunny skies in contrast to the Black Sea Grain initiative...
Rain delays and quality concerns
26 Oct. 2022
The east coast of Australia has endured another brutal week on the weather front, with El Nino seemingly increasing in ferocity in its third consecutive season.
Finding the value in grain price volatility
19 Oct. 2022
Since late February this year when the situation in the Black Sea region escalated, global agricultural markets have been trading with such strength and volatility that even those most experienced have found themselves scratching their heads trying to figure out how to best participate, if at all, without getting their heads taken off in the wild swings...
Harvest is here
05 Oct. 2022
Australia's 22/23 winter crop harvest is officially underway on the east coast with the first headers rolling in Central Queensland and although an exciting time for most, this year's harvest is sure to pose significant challenges to all participants...
Focus on grower selling set to sharpen
29 Sep. 2022
As October nears and geopolitics, weather and prices have been agonized over for months, and plenty of questions still to answer on where the production number ultimately ends up, one thing is for sure...
Waiting on some harvest clarity
21 Sep. 2022
As harvest inches steadily towards us, the marketing crystal ball remains as cloudy as ever, with technical and fundamental factors all conspiring to fog up the glass.
Southern crops benefit from wet conditions
14 Sep. 2022
Weather in NSW remains mild and wet, and the majority of weather forecasters predict the trend to continue through to October and November.
Spring days getting longer, but the weather risks remain
08 Sep. 2022
Spring has officially sprung around New South Wales with flowers bursting everywhere across the state.
The premiership quarter
31 Aug. 2022
Spring has sprung and with that arrives finals footy as well as critical time in the calendar for growers and industry alike.
Where is this grain market heading
24 Aug. 2022
In the last three months across Australia, cash values for grains and oilseeds have seen way more red trading days than green.
Harvest plans critical for another big crop
19 Aug. 2022
With spring now only two weeks around the corner and the growing season well underway, crop forecasters are beginning to make their rounds in what is set up to be one of the most challenging crops to pick of recent times.
Ships Ahoy
10 Aug. 2022
Last week saw the first grain ships departing Ukraine since February invasion signalling, that at least for now, Moscow intends to honour the safe passage agreement brokered late last month...
Cash market slips and grain growers pull back from selling
04 Aug. 2022
The BOM recently released its three month outlook for August to October and the current weather patterns look set to continue...
Sowing success a mixed bad across eastern states
28 Jul. 2022
As we speed along into August, the New South Wales crop continues to emerge and progress in a very mixed fashion...
Too many lions, not enough shares
20 Jul. 2022
While the humanitarian aspect of the Eastern European situation remains terrible, it has undoubtedly provided very favourable market conditions for us here in Australia to participate in...
Season bodes well for most grain growers
13 Jul. 2022
As we approach the mid-point of the winter months, the Australian crop conditions are for the most part, well setup right across the country.
Grain prices go for elevator ride
06 Jul. 2022
The saying goes that markets take the stairs up and the elevator down, which suggests that markets tend to fall faster than they rise.
Grain growers welcome improved conditions
29 Jun. 2022
Never in recent history has it felt like the ag commodities market has exhibited such volatility in such a short space of time.
Consistent wet spell adds to 'normal' year
22 Jun. 2022
In what we used to call a ‘normal’ year, the end of June has quite commonly been associated with the conclusion of the winter sowing program.
Weather woes as market slows
15 Jun. 2022
The Australian Bureau of Agricultural Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) recently released its June report, tipping Australia to produce its fourth largest winter crop on record at 50.9 million tonnes.
Cash markets shiver along with the growers
08 Jun. 2022
As much of the country shivers through a cold blast, one could be mistaken for thinking the weather had somehow managed to take the heat out of cash markets as well.
A quieter week at the Chiropractors Clinic
01 Jun. 2022
Of late, it would seem, a market-moving event was a daily occurence, with both domestic and international commodity values reacting accordingly.
Grains market lifts in face of season’s challenges
25 May. 2022
International wheat futures have consolidated this week after rallying last week on the back of India’s decision to abruptly ban exports.
Indian export ban causes import headaches
18 May. 2022
The global market caught a shock late last week when India announced an abrupt ban on its wheat exports on May 14.
WA Market Wrap
18 May. 2022
To date, seeding conditions over most of Western Australia have been excellent and, in some areas, exceptional. This is the second year in a row many have encountered the "new phenomenon" that is sowing programs into soil moisture and being provided the luxury of "knock down" chemical application.
A logistical nightmare
11 May. 2022
The recent harvest provided a physical and emotional rollercoaster with the highlights of big yields and strong pricing counterbalanced by persistent harvest rains and the subsequent delays and quality issues.
Oilseed demand lifts acreage
04 May. 2022
Significant increases to crop input prices hasn't slowed the efforts to plant this year's winter crop as almost the entire east coast has been gifted a well-timed and wide-spread autumn break.
Optimal conditions align for winter crop
27 Apr. 2022
As sowing programs across the country ramp up on what for the most part is a full moisture profile, Australian farmers look primed to capitalize on record prices for their product.
Where to from here
20 Apr. 2022
In recent months 'volatile' seems to have been the word of choice to try and describe grain market movements and, given we unfortunately don't appear any closer to a resolution to the crisis in Ukraine, it appears this description is likely to remain popular for some time yet.
Existing world grains issues persist
13 Apr. 2022
Another week rolls by and another round of inputs into the discussion, more forcibly argued depending on the side of the fence you sit, seller or buyer.
Watching for the flashes
06 Apr. 2022
Without a meaningful resolution in sight for the crisis in Ukraine, the market continues to trade under the expectation that disruptions to Black Sea grains and oilseeds will be felt for a while yet, increasing the requirement for alternative origins to step up and fill the shortfall.
Sowing intentions start to emerge
30 Mar. 2022
International markets continue to trade erratically on the back of expected supply chain disruptions due to the situation in Ukraine. Whilst we all hope for a swift end to the conflict, it is impossible to predict how things will progress and as such international markets continue to trade volatile ranges on a daily basis.
Some other things to watch
23 Mar. 2022
There is no doubt that the most significant influence on today's grains and oilseeds markets is the situation in Ukraine - the unknowns of what will be planted, fertilised, harvested and exported from this important region is creating a nervous trading environment, prone to jumping at shadows.
Volatility likely to remain a key theme as we near sowing window
16 Mar. 2022
As the devastating situation in Ukraine continues to reverberate around the world, we saw the dramatic effect on commodity markets last week with large price swings as the market digests each headline.
Record crops but volatile prices
09 Mar. 2022
As the shock of crisis overseas settles in after two weeks since it began, unfortunately the devastating situation in the Black Sea doesn't appear to be dissipating anytime soon...
Volatility and instability here to stay
02 Mar. 2022
The rapid escalation of conflict in Eastern Europe is frightening, unprecedented and the toll on humanity is devastating. The uncertainty of the situation is driving Agricultural commodity markets into territory not seen in almost a decade....
A peek into the sorghum world
23 Feb. 2022
The last couple of weeks have seen favourable weather conditions that have enabled growers to make solid progress into their sorghum harvest....
One eye on the horizon
16 Feb. 2022
With the 2021/22 harvest finally in the rear-view mirror for all but a few stragglers, the focus quickly shifts to marketing what unsold grain remains on-farm....
Highlights of a memorable harvest
09 Feb. 2022
With the dust nearly settled on the 2021/22 harvest, it will be with mixed adjectives how we describe this one in the years to come.
Canola growers prepared for price volatility
02 Feb. 2022
New season canola prices are starting the year in nosebleed territory relative to other years, which makes canola a very attractive option to growers in 2022 .
Keeping all the irons in the fire
27 Jan. 2022
As harvest rolls into its fifth month through parts of New South Wales, growers and traders alike are now turning their attention to the considerable task of executing one of our biggest crops on record.
Disruption in the feed grain sector
19 Jan. 2022
Australia's key atmospheric and oceanic indicators point to a continued La Niña weather pattern sticking around until at least February 2022.
Headwinds facing farmers in 2022
11 Jan. 2022
Harvest is slowly wrapping up on the east coast however the ever persistent La Nina continues to delay the placement of the final full-stop on this seasons bumper harvest.
The higher the bid, the further to fall
29 Dec. 2021
As December finally brought the welcome news of a reprieve from the rain across most of the East Coast, the increase in harvest activity unfortunately seemed to coincide with a decrease in values to the Australian grower.
Wave of grain hits canola price
21 Dec. 2021
The unfortunate reality of the huge wave of grain that has hit the system in this short period of time is the effect it has had on cash markets.
Harvest given its head
15 Dec. 2021
This past week has seen much of the East Coast return to its' usual December programming - warm and sunny - a welcome reprieve for those looking to complete winter crop harvest, along with summer croppers who recently became involved in aquaponics.
What's next for canola prices
07 Dec. 2021
With much of the canola harvest in New South Wales finally appearing to be over the hill after ongoing rain delays, and the impacts to quality appearing to be not as bad as originally feared...
Flooding rains and quality pain
30 Nov. 2021
The month of November in New South Wales is typically met with temperatures warming up, little to no rainfall and harvest gathering momentum across the state.
When it rain it pours
24 Nov. 2021
We were warned it was going to be a wet harvest, but the optimist in us thought - "It'll be right, that's what they said last year."
Rainfall raises quality questions
17 Nov. 2021
Harvest has commenced in most parts of New South Wales as we approach the end of November and while there was some good progress made early on,
Harvest Wrap
10 Nov. 2021
Harvest activity to date has been quite slow relative to the usual pace set with a combination of weather and availability of machinery and labour holding up progress.
Harvest versus the Heavens
02 Nov. 2021
In what feels like a theme that will persist throughout the Australian harvest, the first weeks of header activity have faced some early challenges from mother nature.
Nerves and excitement as harvest rolls-out
26 Oct. 2021
Whether you're looking at social media, or more traditional media like you are now, you are no doubt being peppered with harvest pictures, videos and stories.
Paradise by the chaser bin light
20 Oct. 2021
With the Queensland cousins making a start to harvest proceedings these past few weeks, in between bouts of wild weather, New South Wales patiently waits for the crop to come in, albeit slowly given the gentle finishing conditions.
To hold or sell canola
12 Oct. 2021
As has been well publicised, canola prices are extreme and with harvest just around the corner, growers are anxious to get the crop off and convert it into dollars.
Price jump again, with Australian producers in the box seat
06 Oct. 2021
Wheat futures ended the week with a bang on Friday night increasing their fightback after weeks of stagnation. All this action in wheat, all the while east coast canola prices continue their march towards A$1,000 per tonne – a price which has already traded in Western Australia.
Australian grain market looking buoyant
29 Sep. 2021
For the majority of New South Wales and the country generally, it is looking like an above average harvest and despite the challenges for many in securing staff, this is fantastic for regional Australia. Big crops bring so much activity, employment and economic benefit to our country towns which in these challenging times, is a very welcome positive.
Another record harvest on the cards
22 Sep. 2021
As we move towards the end of September, one of the most important growing months for Australia's winter crop, we can almost see the finish line. Back-to-back 30 million tonne wheat crops have been on the cards for much of the year and with New South Wales experiencing a cool and wettish September, only a hot and frosty finish will spoil the party.
Australian grain market outlook
15 Sep. 2021
Last week ABARES published their September Australian Crop Report which unsurprisingly saw production increases to the Australian winter crop following what can only be described as a dream run for most in the New South Wales cropping belt.
Protein crucial for market strength
08 Sep. 2021
Winter is behind us and the Australian wheat crop is in great shape for another bumper harvest with most forecasts falling short of a record year but well in excess of 32 million tonnes.
Malt market brewing
01 Sep. 2021
In grain market wires it has been wheat and canola that have been hogging the headlines of late, however barley markets are also starting to attract some attention providing good news for growers of Australia's second largest winter crop.
"Marge, the rains are 'ere - again?!"
24 Aug. 2021
Australian grain and oilseed producers continue to have one eye on the weather map, the other on the bidsheets, as prices that were considered “aspirational” only a few short weeks ago are being achieved just as the bureau adds some welcome colour to the forecast for much of the East Coast.
Australian grains set to rule the world
17 Aug. 2021
As the weather season starts to come to a close for the Northern Hemisphere production and the news of the Canadian canola seed production issues well digested by the market, what is next for the canola seed market and what does that mean for New South Wales new crop pricing?
The Northern Hemisphere production hiccups continue
11 Aug. 2021
It seems the age-old saying, 'one man's misfortune is another man's opportunity' is playing out in Australia this season...
Harvest is coming
03 Aug. 2021
It's been a couple of months of proper winter with cold, wet and windy weather and hasn't it been delightful...
Australian grain market outlook
27 Jul. 2021
With July almost in the books and weather continuing to be cold, rainy and windy across most of the cropping regions of Australia, conditions couldn't be better as we approach spring...
Mother nature- The driver of markets
20 Jul. 2021
Mother nature tends to be a complicated and unpredictable force where quite often someone's misfortune turns into another's good fortune.
Here comes the grain
13 Jul. 2021
With welcome rain across the month of June the majority of Australia's cropping regions are shaping up to have an average to well above average production year for 2021/22.
Weather driven rally for grain prices
06 Jul. 2021
As we see off the month of June and for most people, the end of sowing, the BOM reports that last month produced above average to very much above average rainfall for a large part of the New South Wales cropping belt. Undoubtedly there are some that would appreciate a top up, however the general consensus is that a few days of dry weather would be a welcome break.
WA Market Wrap - June
06 Jul. 2021
One consideration that must be made this year, is how are we going to store the predicted large production of grain across Australia this season.
Generous June Delivers Potential
29 Jun. 2021
The month of June has been generous with its rainfall adding valuable moisture to the coffers of the New South Wales broadacre farmer. For some, the rain has been welcomed as a fair dinkum season opener, whilst for others it has consolidated what has already been a very good start to the 2020/21 growing season.
Broadacre farmers delight, but where will we store all this grain?
22 Jun. 2021
As Phillip Lowe, the Reserve Bank of Australia governor said last week, the performance of the Australian agriculture sector throughout the Covid pandemic has helped underpin the nation’s economic recovery.
Crop Forecast looks strong, but will prices hold?
15 Jun. 2021
So much of 2021 is yet to unfold, including the all-important spring, however recent rains have the New South Wales crop starting to resemble that of 2020. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for some other parts of the country.
Variable harvest predicted
08 Jun. 2021
As expected, the production figures for the 2020-21 harvest and prospects for the 2021-2022 harvest are forecast at well above average, however worth noting this is not without regional variation.
SA Market Wrap - May
01 Jun. 2021
As winter crop planting progresses around Australia, with many areas nearing the end, greater attention is now being paid to new crop marketing options for the coming 2021/22 season.
It's all happening
01 Jun. 2021
There’s rarely a dull day in Australian Agriculture and the past few weeks has been no exception, with a lingering summer program seeing both harvesting and planting operations being carried out side-by-side in many areas of the East Coast, with the associated logistics of it all under the pump too.
Southern crops on tenterhooks
25 May. 2021
As we progress through the month of May, the absence of rain continues to concern our friends in Victoria and South Australia who are still waiting for their traditional break to the season.
Uncertain outlook expected to provide opportunities
17 May. 2021
Farmers marketing their grain will need look at the global picture to understand where the risk and reward may be. With the most recent World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report released, it may pay to keep an eye on global supply and demand.
Rising tide lifts all boats
11 May. 2021
The last month has seen an extraordinary run across all major global agricultural commodities with severe weather concerns and strong demand dominating the headlines.
WA Market Wrap - April
10 May. 2021
What a month it has been. A Cyclone tore through the northern wheatbelt, heavy downpours for the remaining wheatbelt and commodity markets rallying heavily over the past three weeks...
Australian grain in the box seat
04 May. 2021
...while growers are largely wanting to get the crop established before genuinely engaging the market, it is interesting to understand what is driving Australia’s values at present and whether the influencing factors will be present for the remainder of the season.
Plenty to be positive about
27 Apr. 2021
As we approach the end of April with rain gauges devoid of the desired monthly rainfall the New South Wales farmer continues to sow the crop, with one eye on the forecast and the other on a volatile grain market providing an entertaining distraction.
A record year for canola?
20 Apr. 2021
As we approach the Anzac Day holiday many farmers across the state are taking advantage of fantastic sowing conditions for early sown crops such as grazing wheat and barley, and of course the traditional early sown crop, canola.
Exports moving at a good clip
14 Apr. 2021
Fresh data released from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) highlighted the strong grain export program being executed around the world at present, with Australia featuring prominently in wheat, barley, sorghum and oilseeds.
SA Market Wrap - March
07 Apr. 2021
The past two months have seen the ports a hive of activity and domestic consumers back in the market, with grain moving rapidly by road and rail into these customers and ports.
Rain leads to rethink of winter cropping plans
05 Apr. 2021
March has been eventful for NSW with floods and large rainfalls stretching through much of the cropping belt. Whilst it may negatively impact a few farms with summer programs, most farmers are rejoicing and rethinking their winter cropping plans.
WA Market Wrap - March
31 Mar. 2021
The past two months has seen some great rainfall totals over a large part of the West Australian wheat belt with a few lucky areas now over 150mm of summer rainfall.
Rain, rain, come again
30 Mar. 2021
A week can be a long time in grain markets and the week just passed was no exception. With over eight inches of soaking rain received in parts of Southern and Central New South Wales cropping belts since Thursday last week, agriculturalists will look back fondly.
Tightening ocean freight exerts its influence on local markets
23 Mar. 2021
The tightness in the global freight market is certainly being felt in supply chains across Australia. Naturally, as the cost of vessels rise, freight rates to move the product also rise and as a result the cost of moving grain and oilseeds from Australia to consumers globally also increases.
Summer crop rounding the halfway mark
16 Mar. 2021
The past week has seen some handy rainfall totals down the East Coast, with Queensland and Northern New South Wales the primary benefactors. Those with later Summer crops planted, especially in northern areas and into the Liverpool Plains, are now all but assured of an above average result.
Feed grain surplus as we hurtle towards sowing
09 Mar. 2021
With the export market largely dominated by milling grade requirements, there is fear that feed grain markets will come under significant pricing pressure in the next 4-6 weeks.
A return to pricing fundamentals
01 Mar. 2021
Overseas markets have been erratic over the past couple of weeks, to say the least. With most markets predominantly being driven by China recently, with their New Year holiday taking place, US futures have turned to fundamentals for price action.
Aussie dollar thaws while US/Russia freezes
22 Feb. 2021
There are fears of a winterkill across the US plains where large quantities of wheat may have been affected; this will get a lot of attention now and in the coming months.
WA impresses and East Coast exports
15 Feb. 2021
Last week we saw the Grains Industry of Western Australia (GIWA) release their 2020 final crop production estimates which across all zones and commodities was pegged at 16.63 million metric tonnes. The result was considered exceptional given the state received well below average rainfall for the growing season.
A season to remember
08 Feb. 2021
The 20/21 season will be one remembered by growers and industry players for many years to come. It will be one of those benchmark years that is reflected upon around kitchen tables and boardrooms as the new yardstick for what is deemed a “bin buster.”
WA Market Wrap - January
07 Feb. 2021
Certainly an interesting start to the new year from a grain marketing perspective with some big swings on CBOT wheat futures pushing past 670 US cents per bushel, barley tenders awarded and canola prices riding a roller coaster for the month.
Local partnership lights up a community
05 Feb. 2021
A partnership between Cargill and local farmers is providing much needed funding for local facilities and charities.
SA Market Wrap - January
04 Feb. 2021
With harvest now over, and as people have had a bit of time to let the dust settle, the attention has moved to marketing unsold grain and getting ready for season 2021/22.
Out with the old, ahead of the new
02 Feb. 2021
The new year has brought with it a renewed sense of engagement from growers looking to step up the movement of the significant stocks still held in on-farm storages.
Focus turns to supply chain and moving grain
27 Jan. 2021
Over the last six months we have seen global agricultural commodity markets navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic with a very strong bullish undertone.
Cargill welcomes arrival of export mobile ship loader
22 Jan. 2021
Cargill has welcomed the arrival of its export mobile ship loader in Port Adelaide, signalling a major new investment for the South Australia agriculture sector.
Demand abroad on the rise
18 Jan. 2021
With a monster east coast harvest done and dusted and grain in the bin and the Christmas holiday period behind us, growers will likely start looking at marketing the next chunk of their crop.
Focus turns to moving grain in early 2021
04 Jan. 2021
The 2020/21 harvest has been littered with delays due to rain events and fire ban days however just prior to Christmas, bulk handlers were reporting the largest ever receivals through their storages and with some NSW farmers in the southern regions still expected to harvest into the early parts of 2021, the numbers will only get bigger.
Big exports puts the Australian supply chain to the test
29 Dec. 2020
Australia’s export infrastructure is facing one of its greatest tests with a near record crop on the East Coast and surging demand for Australian grain around the world.
Making mountains at West Wyalong
23 Dec. 2020
Before harvest, site supervisor at Cargill’s GrainFlow site at West Wyalong, Alan Cooper, bought a drone with aerial photography. It turned out to be a canny purchase allowing Alan to capture one of the most memorable harvests in recent memory.
WA Market Wrap - December
24 Dec. 2020
With the 2020 harvest quickly drawing to a close, the surprises for the year have kept coming, albeit this time for most its certainly been an agreeable one with yields undoubtedly better than expected in most cases.
SA Market Wrap - December
24 Dec. 2020
As harvest slowly starts to wind down, it was great to see the drama field year that was 2020 end on a positive note.
Surging exports a boom for brand Australia
21 Dec. 2020
2020 has been a forgettable year for lots of reasons, from bushfires to Covid-19. But the year is shaping up to be completely memorable as one of the best cropping seasons in recent times.
Putting Your Best Foot Forward
15 Dec. 2020
As headers in Central and Southern New South Wales and Victoria continue their efforts to complete harvest ahead of Christmas, growers in the north have largely wrapped up both their harvest and marketing programs for 2020 and are looking up the road to see if 2021 brings with it some fresh opportunity.
Water saving efficiency wins Cargill Australia recognition
08 Dec. 2020
Cargill Australia (Newcastle Facility) has been recognised as a leader in water management and efficiency by the Hunter Business Chamber at its recent 2020 business awards.
Christmas comes early on the east coast
07 Dec. 2020
For most farmers across the east coast, Christmas came early this year. The build up to this year’s crop was highly anticipated and so far, it hasn’t disappointed. Grain continues to fly into bulk handlers and on-farm storage at rapid rates with growers hoping to be finished harvest by Christmas.
Records breaking as harvest progresses south
30 Nov. 2020
The month of November has been one of the busiest in recent years with over 7 million tonnes of grain received into the bulk handling system on the east coast alone coinciding with the New South Wales harvest close to 75% completed.
Canola growers cashing in
23 Nov. 2020
Canola harvest is wrapping up quickly through NSW, as harvest rolls south and east at a rate of knots. Growers have enjoyed some great results with big yields and prices remaining firm through harvest.
ISCC Certification
24 Nov. 2020
Due to a number factors, Europe has become the prime importer of Australian canola buying up to 80% of our exports at times...
New Free Trade Agreement with Asian countries a positive for Australian Ag
18 Nov. 2020
On the 15th of November, 15 countries signed the world’s largest free trade agreement called the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.
Growers reaping the rewards of Dynamic Binning this harvest
18 Nov. 2020
GrainFlow’s Dynamic Binning is upgrading almost 15% of wheat deliveries across it’s storage and handling network this season.
The quiet after the storms
17 Nov. 2020
It has been a quieter week in grain circles, as growers focus their efforts more so on harvesting rather than marketing in the wake of recent price corrections.
China, Saudi and harvest heating up closer to home
09 Nov. 2020
A very eventful week or so in grain markets as harvest progresses rapidly with a string of clear days through most regions. Cool overnight temperatures throughout much of New South Wales has probably stemmed what should have been the biggest days of harvest to date...